Acclaim Concert

Psychodrama of an Individual

Die Winterreise, Brucknerhaus Linz 13.2.2008

Oberösterreichische Nachrichten

Adrian Eröd, currently a member of the Vienna State Opera, provided an impressive interpretation of Schubert’s „Winterreise“ at the Brucknerhaus in Linz. Brilliantly accompanied by Eduard Kutrowatz at the piano, he demonstrated all the facets of the song cycle.

The 24 songs resemble a diary and merge into a psychodrama of solitude, marked by deprivation of love up to the bitter end, sinister and fantastic. The visually expressive music demands the whole art of singer and actor.

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Mendelssohn: Elijah – Leipzig, St.Thomas Church

In this role Adrian Eröd is as singer and interpreter ideally cast. His powerful beaming baritone plausibly embodies the religious fanatic with “Is not his word like fire?” whilst in other arias demonstrating the sensitive facets of the prophet’s personality.
Leipziger Volkszeitung

Orff: Carmina Burana – Dresden / Wien

Among the young soloists the Viennese baritone Adrian Eröd stood out with his full, slender baritone, capable of sophisticated colour in all ranges.
Sächsische Zeitung

Above all Adrian Eröd impressed vocally… with his versatile baritone he was utterly convincing in the role of the sinful abbot… as well as the languishing lover. He was even clear in the orchestral forte (although they showed little respect for the singers).
Die Presse